Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Socrates Argument Of The Just And Unjust. Plato s...

ABSTRACT. This paper seeks to reject Socrates arguments against Thrasymachus account of the just and unjust in Plato s Republic, and, in doing so, show that Thrasymachus account is in fact a coherent and plausible account of justice. I begin by describing the context of Socrates and Thrasymachus argument and what it would take for Socrates to overcome the Thrasymachian account. I then describe the Thrasymachian account and argue for its coherence. I attack the Socratic method of deconstructing Thrasymachus argument and show that Thrasymachus true argument remains unaddressed throughout the course of the their exploration and Republic as a whole. I conclude that Thrasymachus – although himself unaware – succeeds in proposing a plausible and defensible account of justice and that Socrates misleads both Thrasymachus and the reader to advance his own conception of justice.  §1. INTRODUCTION In evaluating Socrates success in arguing against Thrasymachus account, it is imperative to begin by appreciating Socrates intentions and the place of Thrasymachus account within that goal. As the literary director of Republic, Plato is well-positioned to articulate any arguments contained in Republic to his advantage, and I suggest that he very much does. Further, although Socrates is but Plato s literary vehicle in Republic, for the sake of clarity I shall attribute and refer to arguments and views expressed throughout as belonging to Socrates. BothShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Plato s The Ring Of Gyges 1510 Words   |  7 Pageshad a magic ring like the ring of Gyges (Republic, 359d)? Why be just or moral? Develop the complete answer of Socrates in Plato s Republic, through 449a. Then consider whether Plato s Socrates in The Apology would answer in a way that was any different, in substance or in tone. 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